Hey OCUSP crowd,
Who out there has a sustainability-focussed (email)
newsletter to engage their community?
If you do, can you please send me an example, and any advice
you have? (How often it is published, content, audience, tone, etc.)
Feel free to email me direct if you prefer: lauren.binette@utoronto.ca
Tonga Pham - Ryerson University - 28.01.2015
Good Morning Lauren,
We have a monthly newsletter that goes out during the
academic term only. The audience is the entire Ryerson community as well
as "friends" of the program.
Here's a link our newsletter archives: http://rusustainability.ca/newsletter-archive/
Jonathan Rausseo - University of Ottawa - 30.01.2015
Hey Laura, we have 4
newsletters that we send out (all are drawn from the same content, just
segregated a bit for each crowd). Here is an
example http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f94889dc41775e24725f8d556&id=13c5b9228a&e=[UNIQID]http://us2.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f94889dc41775e24725f8d556&id=13c5b9228a&e=[UNIQID]