Re-Usable Food Containers

Tonga Pham -  Ryerson University

Good Afternoon Everyone,
Ryerson's Food Services department is interested in implementing a re-useable food container program for take-out.

Does anyone have experience with this?


Minesh Mondoda - OCAD

Hi Tonga,
Yes. These were the two sources that we considered when we implemented a similar initiative at OCADU.

If you want any further details, please do let me know.


Pavel Graymason - U of Toronto
Hi Tonga,

It’s run by our Food Services department, so I can put you in touch offline if you have any further questions about it.


Andrew Plunkett - York University

Hi Tonga,
We have an eco-takeout program here at York in four of our cafeterias:
If you have any specific questions, please email me directly and I will put you in touch with someone from our Food Services department.

Stefanie De Adder - Western University

Western has one too. Feel free to call me and we can discuss.